
Pipeline & Drain

At Pipeline Technology Services we have invested substantially in research and development to provide specialised drain cleaning attachments for our equipment.
Ranging from sand blasting, hydraulic root saws, chain flails and bottom cleaning nozzles for cost efficient cleaning.

Vacuum Recovery

Pipeline Technology Services’ Hydro-excavation & Combination recycle trucks feature the world’s most advanced hose reel and boom assembly, with unequaled safety features.
Utility providers, storm water maintenance technicians, and excavation contractors all rely on hydro excavation thanks to its flexibility, accuracy, and reliability.

Digging (NDD)

Our fleet has the right vehicle for the toughest NDD requirements from a small 4000lt to the King Vac, we are able to complete the small jobs to all day performance using a single operator.

GIS Asset Tracking
and Reporting

Pipeline Technology Services has implemented ‘live’ asset condition reporting based on city infrastructure information.

When accessed via specialised software we are able to collate requested information such as pipe material, depth, general condition & size. This is then drawn upon to plan infrastructure upgrades and maintenance.

Asset Services
Locating (GPR)

Information is essential for planning a major project or before
digging in unknown ground. Pipeline Technology Services can assist in saving significant costs and alleviating substantial safety risk by locating hidden, underground utilities.

For a small investment prior to excavation, thousands of dollars in repair costs and downtime can be avoided.

Pipeline Condition

We enable you to make informed decisions for your pipeline & drainage assets. Pipeline Technology Services has two main closed circuit television inspection systems depending upon pipe size.

Our experienced technicians provide a detailed description of your drainage assets so you can clearly see which sections of pipe work require maintenance and make informed decision.

Jet-Vac & Recovery

Pipeline Technology Services has an expert team to carry out all facets of pump station cleaning, repairs and maintenance. We utilise our high tech combination recycler truck for cleaning and vacuuming of silt and debris. We are approved contractors for the Water Authorities.


Prevention is better than the cure and prevention with inground assets is using all the tools at our disposal.

We have IBAK camera tractor and push-rod systems for fast and accurate deployment.

Our Latest Projects

City of Playford

Hydro Excavation, locating and reporting

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Mt Barker District Council

CWMS - Clean, view and report

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Adelaide Airport

GPR Locating

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